Marketing For Coaches Done Right: 40 Ideas To Fuel Your Inspiration — Christine Means Business

Christine Hansen
16 min readMay 12, 2022

With so many platforms and tactics to market your coaching business, choosing the best strategy for your coaching business is undoubtedly overwhelming. Here I put together a complete list of 40 marketing ideas that any coach can choose from, based on available resources and personal preferences. It doesn’t hurt to give each of them a go-to see which one works for you and resonates with your clients. Each strategy aims to connect with your audience, illustrate your coaching package’s value, and convert ideal clients. You must stay consistent with your messaging and brand no matter which marketing techniques you choose. How your target audience perceives you throughout any marketing campaign is essential in determining your authority and proving you are the best coach for their needs.

Read on for best marketing practices and let me know which ones have worked for you!

1. Create a Work With Me page for your website. Your Work With Me page is essentially your elevator pitch on why a potential client would want to work with you, the services you provide, and the price of your coaching services. Your elevator pitch should state what you do, who you do it for, and why they need your services. This brief statement lets the reader decide if they want to learn more about your coaching services.

Make your page scannable, so readers don’t have to take too much time to read about your services. Readers need to know right away if you can help them or not. Use precise and straightforward headers that clearly describe what services you offer.

Focus on the results your client can expect from your services. Clients buy results; they buy what will help them make a change. You should explain the process of working with you, so your client understands, but ultimately you want your potential client to see the value of your services.

A significant feature on your Work With Me page is to tell your potential client how to sign up to work with you. A contact form is not enough. You must point it out, write it out, and literally tell your readers, “Sign up Here!” Readers don’t want to second guess themselves, so make it completely clear where to sign up and the next steps.

2. Create an irresistible coaching offer. I have written blogs on creating a badass coaching package. Use a limited-time offer where a client can receive a percentage off if they sign up for your coaching package in a specific time frame. Provide freebies, such as templates or access to the Facebook group to anyone who signs up for your services. Focus on the value that your coaching package offers. Tell clients the time they will save working with you to achieve the goal they seek. Explain to them that you are an expert and can help them get the results they want.

3. Offer free strategy mini sessions. Everyone loves a freebie. This strategy is like bait to grab your potential client’s attention. You offer a mini session for free, and people will sign up. But let’s be honest, a free mini session is essentially a sales tactic. I am a firm believer in being transparent and open to potential clients. Instead of using the mini session as a lengthy sales promo, focus it more as a qualifying call to see if you and the client are a good fit to work together. In my experience, these qualifying calls have gotten me, new clients. Still, I don’t think it converts any better than an actual qualifying call rather than calling it a free mini session.

4. Write and schedule a great welcome email. Don’t leave your new potential client hanging. Once they sign up for your newsletters, make sure you send an automatic welcome email. This way, they know you received their information, which is the beginning of your relationship. They’ve already “swiped right,” and now it’s time for you to make an excellent first impression with your welcome email. This email will start your email funnel that will start the process of sharing the value of your coaching package with your new prospect. Have the perfect welcome email will ensure that the recipient will not immediately unsubscribe from your email list. Your email list is your pipeline and with each email sent, you are closer to landing a new client.

5. Build your email list and use email marketing consistently. Building and staying up-to-date with your email list is a crucial step for marketing your coaching business. This list is your pipeline of potential clients. Every newsletter or offer you send out is another touchpoint and possible sale. Email marketing is an effortless way to stay top-of-mind with clients and keep your pitches evergreen, so you don’t always have to search for new clients. Email marketing serves as a relationship builder. Each email is a potential sales call, showcasing the value of your coaching package through testimonials, case studies, and other relatable connections. The recipient will begin to see you as an expert and grow familiar with your brand. Email marketing is also a great avenue to offer discounts and freebies and ask for referrals.

6. Network (online and offline). Networking online will be more priority. Get on podcasts to reach more clients; guest blog on platforms that you know would be a good fit for your coaching package; do an Instagram live with someone you know your ideal clients follow to get in front of a new audience. Offline, you could join networking organizations that could gain you, local clients. Local networking will help receive the recognition you can then add to your coaching resume and social proof.

7. Create a great brand. It’s all about perception and how clients see you. Create a brand that is true to yourself and appealing to your audience. Be consistent with your brand across all platforms to invoke brand awareness. Once people recognize your brand, the more trusting your coaching becomes. Create a brand that is relatable and approachable. The brand that you create reflects yourself and the clients you will attract, so attention to detail is crucial. I suggest hiring a brand design team to help come up with words and feelings you want your brand to personify.

8. Start a great Facebook group. A Facebook group is a fantastic way to get your clients to discuss with one another the things they liked about your coaching program, and perhaps, even more importantly, what they didn’t like. You can take these criticisms and improve upon them. A Facebook group allows your clients to feel connected to you in a safe and engaging environment. You can monitor the group or chime in, which is another way to stay attainable to your clients. People like to feel that they are a part of something, and a Facebook group gives them that camaraderie. You can offer freebies or advice in the Facebook group. A Facebook group is also an easy way to share testimonials which builds morale and authority.

9. Start a podcast. Podcasting is an excellent platform for an audience who would rather listen to info than watch or read about it. The remarkable thing about a podcast is that it can go with a person anywhere they go, so they can listen to your latest episode on a road trip while cleaning the house, or at work. A podcast feels more personal as your clients can hear your voice, and your personality comes through. A Podcast is an opportunity to interview other experts in your field who vouch for your authority and also allows your clients or potential clients to get more insight into your coaching on a free platform.

10. Start a YouTube channel. This is much like a podcast, but the downside is that your clients must give your YouTube their undivided attention. Any of the social platforms are essential for brand awareness and pipeline. There will be a learning curve for any platform you choose, so find the best one that works best for your brand.

11. Use social media If you don’t create a podcast or a YouTube channel, you MUST utilize social media. These days it’s a no-brainer and a necessity for anyone selling anything online. You can connect with your audience daily, keep them abreast of your brand, share news and promos and get in front of new potential clients. Best of all, social media is free. Being present on socials consistently shows your audience you are dedicated to helping them achieve their goals.

12. Use paid ads. Paid ads can be helpful but not necessary. You will want to track your paid ads and see how many people connect with you after they see an ad. Outsourcing paid ads will help to keep informed of the many changing rules with Google and Facebook ads. I don’t advise to post any ad. Your ad needs to be appealing both visually and textually.

13. Partnerships. Collaborating with someone who attracts your ideal client is a smart strategy. You could conduct a workshop for their clients in the hopes of converting your own clients. Or you could team up to promote one another’s products with discount codes. Partnerships introduce your services to a new audience through a trusted source. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust, so partnerships are a fun and easy way to get in front of your target audience.

14. Get media attention. For me, media attention works well to get brand collaborations rather than one-on-one clients. It is still crucial in the marketing realm because partnerships help you get into different outlets, opening your visibility to additional potential clients. The more media attention you receive, the more collaborations you can land, therefore opening the door to a whole new audience who will eventually and hopefully convert. If nothing else, media attention helps to boost your authority and expertise.

15. Get interviewed on podcasts. Appearing on podcasts boosts your authority. Not only will you reach a new set of ideal clients, but they will also look to you as an expert and will likely give you a follow and join your email marketing pipeline. It is easier to win over a new audience from a trusted source than cold pitching.

16. Publish an article on another website. Like co-hosting a podcast, guest blogging on another website grows your brand, spreads your name, and reveals your authority to a whole new audience. A published article with another brand gives you more credibility and social media proof.

17. Attend events where your clients hang out. Much like networking, attend events to have real-life conversations with potential clients. Whether virtual or in person, you are opening yourself up to a whole new audience and the opportunity to learn more about what your ideal clients want.

18. Be a speaker at an event. This strategy is all about authority! Of course, you know what you are talking about if you are the guest speaker at an event. Talk about gaining followers after this!

19. Be visible: choose your platforms and go all in! Look, if you are an online coach, you must market yourself consistently on multiple platforms and do it 100 percent. It is an essential practice to open yourself up to multiple streams of marketing to attract as many clients as possible. It sounds like a lot of work, but what is more time-consuming is cold emailing clients anytime you need to pay your bills.

20. Hold live webinars / free masterclasses. I don’t advise doing this often because time is money. However, in order to get a client off the fence and scooping up your coaching package, they may need a little tease at what you offer. Offer a free or discounted masterclass that shows a partial bit of what your entire coaching package has to offer. It could be the way to win over a few clients.

21. Use Pinterest marketing. There are over 250 million users on Pinterest. To say that’s a lot is an understatement! Post irresistible infographics or quotes that are on-brand so that you have a presence on this platform. Pinterest is similar to Facebook in that it builds community, distributes your content, and drives website traffic. You can learn all about Pinterest marketing at Hubspot.

22. Hang out in forums: Reddit, Quora Just like any other platform, having a presence will help your social media existence. You can also follow subreddits to see what your ideal clients are looking for and how you can reach a bigger audience. As always, stay on brand!

23. Encourage referrals This strategy is super important, especially for online businesses. You don’t want to have to get new clients repeatedly, so having a steady pipeline of referrals is essential to keeping your workflow going and growing. I have a podcast with Lynn Whitback where we discuss this very strategy. Again, people buy from people they trust. They will probably trust you if they see referrals from people they already trust and follow.

24. Optimize your content for SEO. Don’t let SEO scare you. It is crucial, but it is also constantly changing. If you know how to do a basic SEO search, you can add SEO to your initial content. I would advise hiring an SEO expert after you have sold a couple of packages to ensure that all the work you are doing is searchable. SEO is a beast entirely in itself, so outsourcing is truly the only way to make sure it is genuinely working for you.

25. Write and self-publish a book. It will take time, but writing and self-publishing a book is relatively easy these days. I suggest outsourcing a ghostwriter to write and edit your text if you can. You can then use excerpts from the book as freebies to get people to join your email list. Your book also reinforces your authority on the subject. Consider publishing as an e-book to save on cost.

26. Niche your coaching offers. Coaching to a specific niche helps attract your ideal clients and offers clear expectations of what your coaching package provides. Niching your coaching offers essentially niches your clients. You will attract the clients you want to work with if your coaching package is a specific set of values.

27. Choose the right package for your offer: don’t stop at 1-on-1 coaching. Attract as many clients as you can by offering different types of packages. One-on-one may not be the right fit for some people. They may prefer a crash course or a more self-lead package. The beauty is that you can use the same coaching package but wrap it in different bows allowing clients to choose what works for them at the price point that works for them.

28. Write a good About Me page. It is one of the most visited pages on your website. Your about me page should be compelling and on-brand but get this…your about me page is not all about you. You should focus more on what you can do for your clients. Make yourself relatable to your clients and show value in what you offer by introducing yourself. Check out my blog for a much more in-depth look at creating a creative about me.

29. Add passive income to your main coaching offers. Passive income has the potential to benefit in two ways. The first benefit is to earn passive income or income that you don’t have to work too hard to accumulate, and the other advantage is that passive income could lead to higher conversion rates gaining you more clients.

a) eBooks. Selling your eBook is a great way to make passive income. Perhaps someone is interested in your coaching expertise, so they decide to buy your eBook for some general and helpful information. The goal would be for the reader to convert to a client and purchase your coaching package after they read your book, but if you have people buying your eBook daily through Amazon, what a great way to earn that mailbox money!

b) Affiliate income happens when you promote another brand by displaying banner ads or offering affiliate codes on your website. When a visitor buys from your site, you get a commission. Cha-Ching!

c) Tripwires are a marketing strategy that helps convert clients. It is a way to offer your target client what you are selling at a discounted price- a sort of try before you buy or a courtship. Offering mini-courses at a fraction of your total package price entices skeptics to understand what your complete coaching package offers, proving your expertise and determining if you are a good fit for each other.

30. Position yourself as an authority: social proof. Put yourself out there! It is imperative to create brand awareness, so you don’t have to work as hard to gain clients. Stay present on your social media pages and give relevant information consistent with your brand. Guest appear on podcasts and have other coaches vouch for you. Ask for backlinks to other expert blogs and articles. Having a social media presence shows potential clients that you are the authority over what you are selling.

31. Use client testimonials and case studies in your content. Testimonials and case studies are so critical! When just starting, you won’t have many, if at all, testimonials or case studies. Get in the habit of asking for testimonials and use them on your website. Case studies are super practical because they help clients relate to your other clients, and testimonials show real people who have purchased and benefited from your coaching package.

32. Use storytelling in your content to create connections. Telling your story or a story from one of your clients creates a connection with potential clients. A story resonates more than hype words describing your package. Tell a story of how your coaching practices helped shape you or how they turned one client’s way of thinking around. Your targeted audience likely has similar stories, and if they relate to others, they are more inclined to purchase your coaching package.

33. Think like a CEO: outsource the marketing tasks that are not your zone of genius for the best results. You are a coach. You have ideas and strategies that you have perfected to help people who need someone like you. That is your wheelhouse. Creating content for blogs, websites or emails may not come naturally to you. You may not know how to build a website or edit a podcast. Not knowing how to perform these marketing tasks is not bad, and it shouldn’t stop you from selling your coaching package — but pretending to know how or trying to figure it out will hold up your business plan of being a coach and doing what you do best. Outsource copywriters, graphic designers, brand designers, etc. Outsourcing anything you are unfamiliar with or don’t have time to do allows you to focus on attracting clients, being present on social media, and perfecting your coaching package. Outsourcing saves time and enables you to focus on your pipeline.

34. Keep up with what’s new. New platforms and strategies often come around– keep your eyes open for any unique opportunity that matches your overall marketing strategy, resources, and goals. Try out as many marketing techniques as possible, see which ones work for you, and convert more clients. Marketing your coaching package is the most important way to sell your coaching package and finding the right avenues that speak and entice your target clients is crucial to keeping your pipeline full and meeting your income goals.

35. Don’t stretch yourself too thin: you don’t need to do it all. You don’t have to do it all! If podcasting isn’t your thing, no worries. I reiterate outsourcing here because you cannot be an expert at all things, but all your marketing strategies need to be top-notch, so outsource the things you cannot do or don’t have time to do. After all, if you are stretched too thin, how can you be the best coach to your clients?

36. Be consistent in your messaging. It’s all about branding. Each platform needs to be consistent so that your brand becomes recognizable and attracts the clients you want to work with. Having a different message from one platform to another will confuse your audience, and they will not look to you for expertise.

37. Reach out to your network and ask for introductions. Online and off, ask the people in your industry for introductions so that you can build and grow your network. You may need to broaden your audience pool and meet a new audience you know would benefit from your expertise. Don’t hesitate to ask your network for introductions and meetings to expand your reach.

38. Give low-cost workshops to build your audience of buyers while earning their trust. This strategy is twofold. From my personal experience, it works when you collab with a company that already has a large following. It gets you in front of an audience you might never have targeted. When I did a free masterclass, I did not convert new clients, in part because it was not my target audience. The exposure is valuable, but the effort was more significant than the reward. If you decide to go this route, tie it in with tripwire marketing. Offer a discount on your classes or a mini-course that will still target your ideal audience, helping to convert the right kind of clients.

39. Offer more value than your competitors. I don’t honestly believe this is necessary. Offer your value to your ideal clients. Be clear of your style and how you explain things, and always make sure that you get your value across. If your coaching package is perceived as valuable to your client, then saying you offer more value than a competitor doesn’t help you sell your package in any real way. It may do the opposite and show you as petty or disrespectful of your clients’ values.

40. Create buzz and build the brand through regular launches. I am anti-launch (lol)! I have never been successful with launches, and the time and effort they take to produce are nowhere near the return you get. In the past, I have hired strategists and planned out launches meticulously, and none has worked. The problem is you must catch people at the exact time that your launch is ready. The only time I’ve had even a little luck with this strategy was when I recently launched my book, and I honestly freestyled the whole event.

There are so many strategies of marketing for coaches. It seems overwhelming, and in the beginning, I’m not going to lie, it is! Marketing your online business is a full-time job, but it is also fun! You know you have created a killer coaching package and that clients will benefit from your expertise. Now it’s time to find the proper marketing technique that works for your brand and clients. Ask for help, and pay for service. Remember, this is your business, and you should run it as such. You don’t need to be a one-person show. Think of your outsourcing contracts as your employees to help make your business successful.

There is no need to do all of these marketing strategies. But it doesn’t hurt to see which ones get you the highest conversion rate. And once you have a marketing plan in place, your day-to-day will begin to run like clockwork.

If you want to learn more about working with me then I offer a complimentary session to get to know each other which is bookable on my contact page.

Originally published at on May 12, 2022.



Christine Hansen

Christine Helps Coaches To Translate Their Efforts Into Cashflow As Quickly & Efficiently As Possible With Integrity & Elegance. https://www.christinemeansb