Why you shouldn’t just sell high-ticket — Christine Means Business

Christine Hansen
4 min readDec 1, 2022

Now, this has been talked about to death in the online business world, but today I want to put my own personal opinion and spin on it and share with you what I’ve observed over the last few years.

First, there are different points to a high-ticket. And I’ve written blog posts on this and done videos on this (make sure you check them out) where I talk about how you should actually be charging your services in the first place, helping you crunch those numbers so that you have a baseline, and that you make smart decisions on how to price. That’s one aspect. The second aspect is logical, if you charge a high-ticket, you need fewer clients. I feel that certain people who struggle with charging more, sometimes need that rationality. However, (and there is a huge however here) I don’t think that saying “I’m charging my worth’‘ is enough to charge a high-ticket.

What Sells

There are two aspects that I want to focus on today, which are important to me personally. One is that obviously, you need to keep your promise of what you are selling. And in business, it’s always about time and money. It doesn’t matter what industry it is, that is what it’s getting down to.

Now, when it comes to products, they can be sold because of three reasons:

  1. Practicality. You need a chair because you need something to sit down on.
  2. Happiness. A bouquet of flowers is just triggering a feeling of happiness for you.
  3. Social status. You buy a Hermes scarf because of the social status it brings.

With that said, what I see a lot in the coaching industry is that there’s no accountability. People promise things, but nothing happens. I’ve been in a situation where I’ve worked with a strategist who promised certain results that didn’t happen. This is why I don’t invest with anyone anymore, unless they have KPIs (key performance indicators) saying — if that doesn’t happen, I’m not going to pay you or I want my money back. It’s not enough to say “It depends if you do do the work” because if you do the work, and it still doesn’t work, it is obviously on them. This is why I’m getting a lot stricter when I work with people like that. If they call themselves a strategist, with a certain ROI then that ROI needs to happen. And you should be too. Coaching for personal development is different. That is an internal process. Also, if it’s a course where you learn something different — that is new. Because it will take you more time to learn it alone, you have to trust that the trainers have done the work and they can distill the information that is very important.

This is part of what I sell. I see things you don’t see, I help implement things you wouldn’t have thought of.

Providing a High-end Experience

Now, how are services/products delivered in the online coaching space? There is a certain type of delivery that is (rightfully) expected from a high-ticket. Recently though, in the online industry, everything is repurposed and just thrown as is, into a learning platform. I am all for recycling, however, when I sell a course, I’m mindful that people spend quite a lot of money and I want to deliver a beautiful, exclusive experience, even if it is going to be an evergreen product. Throwing an old Facebook Live onto a platform is not a luxurious high-end experience. Not to mention that you are going to feel better if you deliver an exquisite experience, produced in a way that matches the price point. So, if you have an advisor or a coach telling you: “Oh, just throw it in there, repurpose, be smart, charge your worth.” please think about how the person who is spending their money with you feels about it.

I do charge a high-ticket as well, because I know that what I do changes entire businesses and lives because I help entrepreneurs really implement strategies that will make their whole life easier, and create so much more time for them to enjoy something other than their business. But I do also understand that you might not want to go and buy the whole package straight away, which is going to cost you a few thousand. This is why I have an entry offer of 100 Euros and it’s to get to know me and to work with me for 1,5 hours. During this time you’re going to get a lot of information. I know that it’s important that you get to know what it feels like to be in my world and what you’re going to invest in.

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Originally published at https://www.christinemeansbusiness.com on December 1, 2022.



Christine Hansen

Christine Helps Coaches To Translate Their Efforts Into Cashflow As Quickly & Efficiently As Possible With Integrity & Elegance. https://www.christinemeansb